Friday, April 27, 2012


That first post looks kinda lonely, and I felt like it was pretty vague and not a little boring. Hopefully this one will be better.

I hate goodbyes. They suck. I don't think they should be legal. There are very few situations in which anyone is happy to be saying goodbye, one of which is when a serial killer knocks on your door and you somehow get him to walk away; and even then you probably wouldn't be happy, you'd be scared to death. But despite all these unattractive attributes, I have to say goodbye a lot. I say goodbye in August when my parents take me to the airport so I can go back to school.
I say goodbye to all my friends here at Agnes and in the Decatur area at Christmas when I head back home to Texas. I say goodbye again to my family in January when I head back to school. I say goodbye to my Atlanta friends when I leave for the summer, and I say goodbye to my Montreat friends when the summer is over. And that's just one year.

Last year when I came back to Atlanta, a close family friend mentioned something when I called to tell her I had gotten back to school safe and sound. Pam had driven with my Mom to the airport to drop me off. Usually the drop-off is short and sweet, no fanfare. Mom or Dad (or both) pull up to the curb by the terminal entrance, park for a second, get out and help me unload my bag from the back, then theres a big hug, an "I love you, have a great semester, etc," and that's it. I walk into the airport and take it from there. Pam, who is a few years older than my Mom, was very surprised that that was all there was to it. She expected us to park, and all of us to walk in, wait with me while I got all checked in, and say our goodbyes at the security checkpoint. There would probably be tears and several hugs and kisses; generally more fanfare. When she said this, it kind of surprised me. My parents have always been the more laid back type; I don't call them everyday just to check in. When I lived at home Mom always liked to hear about our day or hear who we were with, but generally she didn't keep up with what was going on every minute of every day with all four of us like some of my friends' moms. So I think part of the low-key goodbyes has to do with the fact that my parents don't worry too much about me finding my way around, etc. But another part I think has to do with the fact that I don't like saying goodbye, so I keep it as short and sweet as possible so I can get on with whatever comes next.

So I do really hate goodbyes; I think that has been well-established. But the best part of saying goodbye is the hello that awaits when you arrive at your destination. That's what I love about all the long-term travelling I do; when I get to wherever I'm going, everyone is so happy to see me. For example, when I come home next Thursday, I know several good things will happen. First, my Dad will be waiting for me in the baggage claim, sometimes accompanied by other family members. Second, Dad will give me a big hug, carry all my stuff, tell me all about what's been going on while I've been gone, and listen to me tell him all about my most recent research for school, etc. Last, I know that I will get to pick a place to go eat somewhere in the Dallas area, and it'll be good. All of that is what makes the goodbyes bearable; knowing there's a hello waiting for you in the near future. So this week while I finish up all my school work, pack away all my worldly things, and say a lot of goodbyes, I'll hold on to some of the hellos I have coming soon.


  1. I always preferred the phrase "until we meet again" glad you're blogging and excited to read about your adventure!

  2. Love your thoughts! I'm anxious to be lookin' over your literary shoulder as you get to live the lifeI most folks only get to dream about! Are you going to be in Paris in november? A bunch of folks you know and love are coming! Well be getting off a river cruise, and will end our trip with 3 days in Paris. So be sure to let me know what you'll need us to bring you...tortilla chips, salsa, etc. Well be happy to be your courier.....

  3. Aww thanks Mz V! I'll be in Paris pretty much the entire time from late August to early June. I'll be taking a couple of trips, but probably not until Christmas or Spring break. I'll be living with a French family and attending school so if it's during the week I'll definitely be around!

    1. Georgia and I read your blog as a part of our bedtime story last night. Can't wait for the next entry.

  4. Amy that's great! I'm so glad you're reading. I just hope Georgia will stay interested when I leave the state that shares her name. Hope to see you all soon!

  5. This is going to be so great! I just have to say that is an awesome photo at the top of your blog! Love you.

    1. Are you angling for some photo credit? Because as I recall, you took that picture and came up with that cool view from the ground up :)

  6. Got this in my blog reader now ... looking forward to keeping up! Hope you'll post lots of pictures when you get to France too.
