Thursday, September 5, 2013

Change of venue

So, after a very chaotic summer, I'm back! And I have news. I have decided to continue the blog, due to popular demand. However, it won't be posting here anymore. I'm switching over to a different platform that I like better. Since this blog won't be Paris-related exactly, there's a new address and really a new theme for the blog posts. You can find it here:
That blog is still slightly under construction, not all the pages are up and running, but feel free to take a look around. If you have any questions, of course feel free to ask me!

Since this is the last post on this blog, I don't really have anything to say... Except that this past year was a wonderful experience and now I'm excited to be starting my senior year in college! I hope you'll keep reading!

Monday, May 27, 2013

It's almost time to say goodbye.

This will probably be my penultimate post; I'm heading back to the States on Thursday. I plan to write a debrief sort of post sometime after I get back to the States and re-acclimated to the culture. I've had an eventful last week or so, what with finals and my parents coming to visit for a few days. Eventful, but honestly not all that interesting, other than my Dad cracking me up with some of his attempts to speak French. There are some pictures over on Facebook, if you're interested. They were only here for about 3 days, so we mostly just did the rounds on all the museums. They had a museum pass, and my student I.D. gets me into most Paris museums for free, so we had a really nice time observing a lot of art and history. But that's not really what I want to talk about in this post. A couple of days ago, a friend from the States asked me a question that really fits in well with what I'm feeling this week.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

So I went to Disneyland. In Paris.

So, before you read any further, you should know that this post will be full of me basically being a little 10-year-old girl on her first ever trip to a Disney park. I'm serious. Don't say I didn't warn you... During my 2-week break from school at the beginning of May, I went to Disneyland Paris. And it was awesome. And utterly exhausting. But basically the best thing I've done in the last couple of months. I went with my dear friend Lindsey. She's American too, but she's been living in Paris for the last 5 years or so, and teaches 5th grade at a French school in the area. We have a mutual love for all things French, Disney, and fairy-tale related. And it was her birthday. I mean, seriously. Who doesn't want to spend their 28th birthday at Disneyland? So we had a slumber party at her house two nights in a row, drove to Disney together (with accompanying Disney music playing, of course) spent about fourteen hours in the park, and had a fabulous time.

Friday, May 3, 2013

France, I'm so PROUD of you!

So, in case you all on the other side of the pond haven't heard, France passed a law legalizing gay marriage and adoption about a week ago. It's a really amazing thing. I even got to go down to the Assemblé Nationale and stand outside when they announce the successful passage of the law. Unfortunately, it was a spur-of-the-moment thing I decided to do on my way home from class, so I didn't have my camera with me. Here's what I'll say, though: the screams of delight, expressions of love, and general jubilation far outweighed the boos and shouts of disgust from the right-wing protestors. After I got home that night, I had a very interesting conversation with my host Mom which got me thinking about French culture and how this new law works within the French social construct.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

What have I been up to lately?

Well, as the title suggests, this is going to be general mash-up of just stuff I've been doing lately. I know I haven't been posting as much this semester, but with my internship and classes and homework and regular life stuff, I've been busy and have had a hard time making the time. If we're facebook friends, you're probably aware that I went to Versailles last weekend. I've also been hanging out with new and different people this semester, so I'm going to tell you a bit about them. I also had a really interesting experience involving a Stephen King book this week. So it's been an interesting couple of weeks, to say the least.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Kind, respectful teenagers? I must be joking!

I'm really busy with schoolwork and getting ready for the end of my stay here in France, but I really wanted to tell you all about my internship at a French high school that I'm doing this semester. It's been one of the absolute best things I've done during the last eight months. I love the kids, I love my fellow teachers, and I love the course material. It's made me so excited to graduate in a year and actually get to do this for real and get paid for it. I've been at the school for a while now, and have some really great stories and observations and things to share with you all.

Thursday, March 28, 2013


This past weekend, I got to spend a couple of days in Provence. For those of you who don't know, Provence is located in the Southeastern tip of France. It's known for its distinctive landscape and historical landmarks for the most part. It touches the Mediterranean Sea, but unfortunately we didn't get to see the coastal areas.  Take a little look at this nifty little map I've provided for you. France is roughly the same size as Texas, so you can see that Provence is quite a trip from Paris. On the TGV(that's the high-speed train), it was between three and four hours each way.  In a car, it would have taken a little less than twice that time. Our trip centered around three main events: Avignon, best known as the Pope's home during the Great Schism during the 11th century (more on that later); then Arles, known both as Vincent Van Gogh's home and for its historical landmarks (particularly from Roman and Medieval times; and the small town of Uzès, near the Pont du Gard. 

Thursday, March 14, 2013


I never thought I'd see the day when I'd wake up one morning, see snow falling outside, and just groan. But the day came, earlier this week. I'm still technically on Spring Break, so I really don't have much to report besides snow and just general yuckiness. Next week, I'll start student teaching about 7 hours/week with a brand new group of students. It's very exciting, but I haven't actually started yet, so there's nothing really to report. Most of my French friends have been abuzz with all this Pope stuff, but honestly I don't really care that much. I think it's great that they chose a Latin American one (as I understand it, it's the first time that's happened), but since I don't really look to the Pope for spiritual guidance, I haven't been paying close attention.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Family bonding, teacher stuff, and planning ahead.

I know it has been way too long since I last posted, but I've been pretty busy with mostly boring stuff that you guys probably wouldn't be too interested in. Suffice it to say, there was an ear infection, some school stuff, and just general life stuff happening. It's been a while, but I don't have too much to tell you, to be honest. I've really connected with my new host-family here over the past few weeks, so there's that to talk about. An interesting story involving my 9- and 11-year-old kids asking me what Wal-Mart is, and the possibility of a summer job when I get back to the States in a few months. But that's about it. I may be in Paris, but I still have to do the boring, un-glamorous life stuff. And with seriously limited funds, I can't afford to do museums or monuments or anything like that if it costs money. So besides the fact that I live in Paris, my life is pretty normal. Just not much to tell at this point.

Sunday, February 3, 2013


Last weekend, I turned 21. In the States, that's a major milestone mostly for the drinking age. That's great and all, but it's not one of the things I've been looking forward to for a really long time. I've been able to drink legally here in France since my arrival in August, so to be honest, it wasn't really a big deal. But it was definitely a Birthday to remember. I'm not going to go into much detail here because it wasn't the partying and drinking that's worth remembering. Don't get me wrong, that was fun most of the time. Having a Metro car full of haughty Parisians sing "Happy Birthday" (in French) to me at the exact moment I turned 21 makes a really great story to tell, but that's not what made this Birthday special. It's the thinking I've done in the week since about my life in general; milestones like this one always make me think about where I'm going and what I'm doing, this one in particular because now I really am classified as an adult in pretty much every sense of the word. It's sorta a big deal.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

I'm back with a new apartment and some teacher anecdotes!

I'm back in Paris now, after that fabulous two-week trip of a lifetime. I started my grammar class this week, but my University classes don't start until February 4th, so I've got a lot of free time on my hands. Not a lot to do with said free time at the moment, but it's there nonetheless. I do have one major update for everyone on the other side of the pond: I have a new apartment and a new family! I have also been officially abandoned by more than half of my new American friends, so I don't have a lot of social stuff to talk about. But it has been about two weeks since you heard from me, so I'll try to make this post worth the wait.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Ghost Stories, Fan Girl Freak Out, and Theatre

 My last few days in London were definitely the highlight of my time in London. First up was the Tower of London. I didn't think I was going to be able to go because the cost (£20) was prohibitive for anyone on a tight budget. But thanks to a generous donation from Mimi, my grandmother, I was able to go. For those of you who don't know, the Tower of London is a fortress that has existed in some form since Roman times, but most of the original buildings were destroyed or worn down by the time William the Conqueror made it a true fortress in the 13th century. The Tower of London is actually made of twenty different towers, united behind a large wall. It was a home and fortress to the royal family through the 14th century, when it was transformed into a prison. Today, it houses the British Crown Jewels, a very large museum, and the Yeoman Warders. I spent about 4 hours in total at the Tower.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Year's Eve

My New Year's Eve was partly fun and partly stressful. I got to go out on the Thames to see this really amazing fireworks display, but the events that followed the display put this story squarely in the "misadventures" column. It's one of those stories that was really not fun while it was happening, but now that it's over, I can look back on it and share it as just one of those stories that makes a good conversation. The fireworks were amazing. Pretty much a good fifteen minutes' worth of huge, over-the-top, amazing fireworks that were just crazy awesome. We love fireworks in my family, so I've definitely seen my fair share, but this was the first time I'd ever been to a major, professionally-planned display. And it was fabulous.